Since 2019, the GPC Belgian Pumpkin weigh-off is organized by Pompoenengenootschap Kasterlee. For 2024, the date for the weigh-off still needs to be planned.
Some results of the last years:
Some pictures of the weigh-off 2023:
Bestel zaden om reuzepompoenen te kweken, lees tips & tricks om je reuzepompoenen te kweken, bekijk hoe het Pompoenengenootschap het doet en schrijf je in voor de officiele weging.
Since 2019, the GPC Belgian Pumpkin weigh-off is organized by Pompoenengenootschap Kasterlee. For 2024, the date for the weigh-off still needs to be planned.
Some results of the last years:
Some pictures of the weigh-off 2023: